Saturday, December 15, 2007

Random Rambler

I don't know why I like this shot. But I just do. It probably goes against the rules of basic photography. It was a non intentional accident, like all the photos I have taken. My editing abilities is not the greatest either. So I must suffer in silence and spoof my way through photography.
Do you remember those books that people write about, like a guide to bluffing your way through philosophy or how to learn a language in two hours. Well my photographic abilities is somewhat similar. Like buying a camera on impulse, having it constantly wrapped around your neck like a noose at all times, and voila you have moved from amateur to professional photographer overnight. Ach aye, if only it was that easy. Honestly, I don't intend to go anywhere with it, but I just enjoy the sound that the camera makes, click, click, kodak. I immensely enjoy the freedom you have at staring at your subject and been granted an unlimited pass on time to stare or observe. For me the greatest thing I achieved from my short time with photography is that easy access to escapism. Perhaps there are many downfalls to photography that I have yet to experience but I find when I have taken my shot and that clicking sound comes to an end, so does that split second escapism. Then the emotional rollercoaster starts again in search for another image to stir the minutest emotion or stimulate that long degenerated nerve that leads to the window of our perception.

You see what I mean, in a photographical sense I am not sure which one would be better. But I still like the darker one. But perhaps if I got myself a photography book and read up on the technicalities I may just well understand why I like the initial photograph. Then again I may look at it again in a few weeks time and ask myself what the hell was I contemplating about. They are both equally as shite (pardon my unsophisticated language). But the one thing I can extract from these two photos is how they both appear so different even though they were taken seconds after each other. The weather in both picture depicts dark clouds with threatening outburst of rain and thunder. I am in a less sleep deprived state so things aren't that obvious to me.

This photo really stood out, as I was rambling around searching for berries. Waiting for opportunity moments to take a photo, of course there would constantly be some form of obstacles. Be it people, branches, Santa Claus himself or the rain. I kept getting herds of people rushing towards my direction and only when I whipped out the camera. I got slightly frustrated so I mentally started categorising people. At this moment in time to me there were only two types of people: those that were non-territorial and the territorial ones. The non-territorial ones can be identified with distinctive traits in personalities. To me they possess a gentle, caring, nature and would be considerate to their environment and the people enclosed in it. They hovered around me and patiently waited till I have perfected this shoot. Little did they know I am only a seed to the photography world, so their patient quality may be for a futile cause. In contrast to this group were the territorial bunch. They reminded me of an ungodly avatar, but more in the sense of a descended cross between man and animal. Arbitrarily, they would urinate all around me to mark their territorial space. They would be quiet aggressive in their approach to life and their environment. They would grunt and utter nonsensical under their breath. But being an extremely silent lip reader I understood each and every breath. Each breath would vaporise and formulate their marked distinctive character to me.

After all this pontification, I decided it would be best if I got out of the ready made pathway and into the muddy wilderness alone. It was the best decision I have made all day as I never got to find the berries but found a place where it was easy to take a photo as the scenery was already carved out for me. All I had to do was automatically go into autopilot mentally, choose the easiest option on the camera which is auto and click away till my little soul is content.

Apologise for randomly positioning the photos. The title is afterall random rambler, and also I have just discovered this new invention called no choose, left, center or right positioning of photos. Hence the indecisiveness of the location of each photo. What can I say about this photo except the life ring sang out like a punk tune at a retirement party. There was no-one around, and the air was so still that the life ring had no reason to be there. Only perhaps if a retarded individual with no swimming abilities decides to go for a cold December dip in the man-made lake. Shiver! Shiver!

Due to the size of this photo. You probably can't make it out but there is a branch stuck to the centre right that appeared to be levitating in mid-air. Much to my amusement I had to take it. Oh! I did finally manage to find cranberries on my rambling adventure but I had to buy them in the market so much for personally selecting the natural wild ones.



Anonymous said...

Comparing the first two photographs with a category of "good, bad photography" might not be right. I think it all depends on how you want to represent your feelings when you wanted to put these photos into your blog, for your audience. For me, both of them affect me in different ways, that is the nature of art, isn't it? I don't know much about photography, but personally I like raw photographs, without any editing. Because I want to see what the photographer saw at that moment and what the photographer wanted to take.

I like your categorization of people :) It makes sense :)

Iain Clark said...

The first two photos i initially thought were palm trees. Upon inspection I realised they are reeds of some sort. For me this gives another dimension to the images. Perhaps there are two worlds where we thought there was one.

The abstract qualities of darkness, light, and shape speak more of an inner world than of the pictorial world in which we place are selves.

It good. i like.